Friday, 14 August 2015

Keep Raising the Bar!

Keep Raising the Bar with your goals and aspirations!

Today, Facebook showed me a picture from 2 years ago.  I was going to the annual Zumba Convention ready to have a blast! Earlier this year, I asked myself, "What's next?" What else can I do?  What other goals should I pursue.  Over the next few months, I felt led to increase my skills set and expand my experiences.  After much deliberation, I convinced my husband that I should prepare for the Personal Training certification.  We debated for a while.  Finally, we decided it was the right thing to do.  The timing of it all worked out perfectly!  Once we agreed the certification, I ordered my study materials and he received them just before returning back to Ghana.  The timing was perfect!  First, his trip to the US was done on a short notice and he received my package just before leaving his hotel.  God is good!

Knowing that I wanted to work in the US as Personal Trainer for my upcoming summer break, I had to first pass the exam.  I quickly learned that going to school while raising kids, managing a home, and running a business is NOT a joke!  Whoa!!!!!  The demands are unreal!  When I went to college, I didn't have children so it was easy to just focus on my studies.  Much respect to people who juggle it all!  Its a tough situation.  You need the qualifications for the desired job yet your family needs you and you have a job to do!  OUCH!  Well done to people you overcome those challenges!  :-) You all are AWESOME!!!!!

So...back to the story!  :-) LOL! 

Finally, I set a study schedule and pushed through it....often with many late nights (my husband wasn't expecting this part of the  I felt like a college kid again, but with more demands! :-)  lol Through this process, all I could hear was God's spirit pushing me and the encouraging words from family and friends.  Everyday was a day of victory and one step closer to the goal.  Each week leading up to my summer break was marked as a key milestone.  Through it all, I had to keep pushing on.....  I often asked myself, "Why am I doing this?"  Sometimes the answers came back:

-"I'm preparing you for the next level."  
-"I'm allowing you to be an example to your children.....teaching them about study skills and goal attainment."
-"I'm teaching you time management and focus."

Later, I learned about another fitness convention that could give me more exposure to various fitness formats and certifications.  Again, my husband and I debated if I should attend.  The tradeoff would be I'd have to miss the Zumba Convention.  Oh la la...this was a VERY difficult decision!  After weighing the options, I decided to attend the other convention.  No regrets at ALL!  I learned a ton and experimented with various fitness formats!  

Upon my return from the fitness convention, I started an internship at a fitness studio.  Guess what?  The fitness studio had almost ALL the exercise equipment that I used at the fitness convention and the team there taught me more techniques about fitness training!  Practical application of book material and conference sessions! Yay!!!  To God be the glory!

So, here I am reflecting a bit.  Exactly 2 years ago, I was went to the Zumba Convention.  On this same day 2 years later,  I showcased my own fitness program as a Personal Trainer.  My program included various exercise formats that merged from ALL the other trainings, conferences, and events attended over the years.  It just amazed me how it all came together! 

Key lesson from all this:  
Continue to Raise the Bar!  Continue to challenge yourself and grow!  Whatever interest you, take time to study it wholeheartedly and hold on to your faith!  

Let's Raise the Bar in all aspects of our lives and be our BEST!

Have a FitTastic Friday!


Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Wellness Wednesday: Food Prep Fun

Trying to add a little excitement to cooking?

Every chance I get, I love going into stores to find the latest kitchen gadgets....anything to make cooking more interesting.  This time, I stumbled on the Veggetti!  Its really nice!  Something I will certainly keep in my kitchen.

See the video and let me know what you think?

Video: Food Fun with Veggetti!

Below is a picture of the last meal I made with the Veggetti.  I shredded some zucchini then topped it with some tasty pasta sauce.  SENSATIONAL and filling without tons of calories! :-)

Have some kitchen fun! :-)

Have a FitTastic evening!

Butt and Legs Workout!

Happy Wellness Wednesday!

Here is short 4 minute workout that target your Butt and Legs!

Video: Butt and Legs Workout

Work it out!

Have a FitTastic Day!


Thursday, 6 August 2015

Let's ROAR! Lower Body Workout!

Looking for a great way to tone your lower body?

Do the moves in this video and ROAR!

Let the music inspire you to MOVE!!!!

Let the song remind you that you're a FIGHTER and a CHAMPION!

Let the world hear you ROAR! :-)

Video: ROAR workout

Have a FitTastic Day!

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Faith & Fitness Day 9: What makes God smile?

Whoa!  I really enjoyed this message.  For day 9 of the Purpose Driven Life book, Rick Warren shares a few points about things that makes God smile.  He said that God smiles when we do the following:

1.  Love Him supremely
2.  Trust Him completely
3.  Obey Him wholeheartedly
4.  Praise and thank Him continually
5.  Use our abilities

Overall, I thought it was such a VERY comforting message.  Rick reminds us that God enjoys watching every detail of our lives.  He's not only interested in the spiritual things we do, but everything we do.  For, the Lord orders our steps and he delights in our ways (Psalm 37:23)

Key Point:  God smiles when I trust him completely.
Verse to Remember:  "The Lord is pleased with those who worship him and trust his love."  Psalm 147:11
Question to Consider:  Since God knows what's best for me, in what areas of my life do I need to trust him most?

*Note:  When I asked myself the question,"what do I need to trust him with the most?", I stayed quiet for a while then felt God telling me ALL the things I need to trust to Him!  I honestly felt a comfort in my heart that God got all my worries, cares, concerns, frustrations in HIS hands.  I felt FREE!  The peace experienced from this simple exercise helped me to smile inside and outside!  Be blessed!

Check out the video message/summary and fitness video...we gotta keep our bodies healthy and strong (inside and out)!

Video Message/Book Review Day 9: What makes God smile?

Quick Workout Video

Friday, 27 March 2015

Faith & Fitness Day 8: Planned for God's Pleasure

For day 8 of the Purpose Driven Life book, Rick Warren highlighted the fact that we're "Planned for God's Pleasure".  Some key points I found were as follows:

1.  God has given you the ability to enjoy pleasure
2.  God wants you to Enjoy life and not just endure it
3.  Bringing pleasure to God is called worship.  "The Lord is pleased only with those who worship him and trust his love." Psalm 147:11
4. Worship is more than music.  If its offered to God in spirit and truth, it is an act of worship.
5.  Worship is not a part of your life, it is your life.
6.  Every activity can be transformed into an act of worship when you do it for the praise, glory, and pleasure of God.
7.  Work becomes worship when you dedicate it to God and perform it with an awareness of His presence.

Point to Ponder:  I was planned for God's pleasure
Verse to Remember:  "The Lord takes pleasure in his people." Psalm 149:4
Question to Consider:  What common task could I start doing as if I were doing it directly for Jesus?

Video Message for Day 8

Exercise Session for Day 8

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Faith & Fitness Day 7: The Reason for Everything

For day 7 of the Purpose Driven Life book, Rick Warren said, "It's all for him."  I really like how he starts each daily message with a very simple message that makes you go, "Humm...." :-)

Today, its so easy to get caught up into ourselves.  We now have technological gadgets that allows us to take "selfie" pictures.  From telephones, tablets, computers, and now watches.  We can take a "selfie" almost anyone where and show the world all the things that we do.  We're now able to get degrees, certifications, and other specialty awards much easier than ever before. We can add titles to our names and prove to the world our intelligence.  Some people are the first in their families to achieve advance degrees.  It's good to have pioneers that blaze new trails, however, one must remember that "It's all for him."

Here are a few points that Rick Warren points out in the book:
1.  "Everything comes from God alone.  Everything lives by his power, and everything is for his glory." Romans 11:36

2.  The ultimate goal of the universe is to show glory to God.

3.  There are many ways to bring glory to God:
---1.  Worshiping him with your lifestyle  "Use your whole body as a tool to do what is right for the glory of God." Romans 6:13

---2.  Loving other believers

---3.  Becoming more like Christ-"As the spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him and reflect his glory even more." 2Cor3:18

---4.  Serving others with our gifts. "God has given gifts to each of you from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Manage them well so that God's generosity can flow through you.....Are you called to help others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies.  Then God will be given glory." 1Peter 4:10-11 and 2Cor8:19

---5.  Telling others about him. "As God's grace brings more and more people to Christ, ....God will receive more and more glory." 2Cor4:15

What will you live for?  God is inviting you to live for his purpose.  First believe God loves you.  Believe that no matter what you've done, God wants to forgive you.  Second receive Jesus into your life as Lord an Savior.  Receive his spirit and he will give you the power to fulfill his purpose for your life.

Question to Consider:  Where in my daily routine can I become more aware of God's glory?

Video Message: Day 7 The Reason for Everything

Exercise Video: Quick Total Body Toning

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Faith & Fitness Day 6: Life is A Temporary Assignment

For this day in the Purpose Driven Life book, Rick Warren shares a very simple message that inspired me to really LIVE it UPLife it UP, & Enjoy life!   His statement was, "Life on earth is a temporary assignment." Not saying that I haven't heard this before, BUT...... this time I feel as though I got it!  Maybe its maturity or a little growth from the previous days, but I feel as though I got it and I'm ready to do my assignment to the BEST of my ability.  

Here is a verse he reviewed in the book:  "Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.  Remind me that my days are numbered, and that my life is fleeting away." Psalm 39:4

Point to Ponder:  This world is not my home.

Verse to Remember:  "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2Corinthians 4:18

Question to Consider:  How should the fact that life on earth is just a temporary assignment change the way I am living right now?

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Faith & Fitness Day 5: Seeing Life from God's View

What is your life?
"The way you see your life shapes your life." Rick Warren

For day 5 of the Purpose Driven Life Book, Rick shared three of the Bible's metaphors to teach us God's view of life:  Life is a test, life is a trust, and life is a temporary assignment.  Again, this chapter really took me into deep thought and made me face the reality of life.  The more I pondered on the message, the more aware I'm becoming of the truths.  I'm now noticing a shift in my priorities and time everyday.  Not saying that I'm acting in fear, but I feel more peace with my decisions and I feel like I'm honestly "letting go" of trivial things.  Hope you gain new insights and revelations too!

So, here are a few highlights from this day:
Life as a test.  God continually test people's:

When we're tested, our character is developed and revealed.  Rick said, "words like trials, temptations, refining, and testing occurs more than 200 times in the Bible."  So, I guess testing is really part of life.  Of all the tests listed above, I realize that my faith is often tested.  So many times I feel God telling me to do something, but I tend to struggle because I either want to control the outcome (I want to know without a doubt the outcome will go a certain way) or I encounter many difficulties and think about giving up.

Testing of faith reminds me of the story from Matthew 14:29-32.  Jesus told Peter to walk on the water.  Peter did it, but as he looked around and saw the high waves, he got scared and began to sink.  The Lord reached out his hand to Peter and said, "You don't have much faith, " ...."Why did you doubt me" (Matthew 14:31).  So, trying keeping this story in mind if you feel your faith is being tested.  We have to keep our eyes on Jesus and trust him to lead us.

According to the Purpose Driven Life book:
When you're tested, God constantly watches your response to:
-and even weather!

Based on the Bible, you will be tested in:
-Major changes
-Delayed promises
-Impossible problems
-Unanswered prayers
-Undeserved criticism
-and even senseless tragedies

The good news is that God wants you to pass the test!  Amen!  He gives you the grace to pass the test.  "But remember that the temptations that come into your life are no different from what others experience.  And God is faithful.  He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can't stand up against it. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it." 1Cor10:13

Life as a Trust.  The following list shows some examples that are gifts from God to us.  Its our job to take care of them and use our gifts wisely:
-Time on earth
These are all trusted in our care and management. God expects us to use them wisely.  The more He gives, the more responsible he expects you to be. Read the story of the Master and the servants (Matthew 25:14-29).

From the Purpose Driven Life Book:
Point to Ponder:  Life is a test and trust
Verse to Remember:  "Unless you are faithful in small matters, you won't be faithful in large ones." Luke 16:10
Question to Consider:  What has happened to me recently that I now realize was a test from God?  What are the greatest matters God has entrusted to me?

Faith and Fitness Day 5: Seeing Life from God's View

Fitness Exercises: Lower Body Toning

Monday, 16 March 2015

Faith & Fitness Day 4: Made to Last Forever + Stomach (Abs) Exercises

Today's posting is about Made to Last Forever from Day 4 of the Purpose Driven Life book (by Rick Warren).  In this chapter, Rick said that, "life is not all there is."  He made the following points that helps us to understand that God's purpose for our lives doesn't end on earth, but it goes on to eternity.

Key points that I found:
1.  When you live in light of eternity, your values change.  You use your time and money more wisely.
2.  To make the most of your life, you must keep the vision of eternity continually in your mind and the value of it in your heart.
3.  You may feel it's morbid to think about death, but its actually unhealthy to live in denial of death and not consider what is inevitable.

Point to Ponder:  There is more to life than here and now.
Verse to Remember:  "This world is fading away, along with everything it craves.  But if you do the will of God, yo will live forever.  1John 2:17
Question to Consider:  Since I was made to last forever, what is one thing I should stop doing and the one thing I should start doing today?

Initially, I found this chapter a bit tough to read, but I forced myself to continue reading it anyhow. I think its why I only skipped through various chapters of the book years ago instead of reading it chapter by chapter.  I think the message was tough for me because I never wanted to think about eternal life.  I'd rather just focus on life on earth and leave the eternity conversation for eternity.  Thank God, I'm finally maturing!  I think moving through life without this perspective makes it very easy to get off track from your life purpose and it prevents you from focusing on important matters.
I got it now.  I'm stronger!  I'm no longer afraid. I feel empowered and inspired to live more purposeful.

I hope you gain good insight and inspiration from this too!  Check out the below videos and let me know if you have any questions.

Blessing to you!

Message Day 4: Made to Last Forever

Exercises Day 4: Stomach (Abs)

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Faith & Fitness Day 3: What Drives You? + Stretching Exercises

Everyone's life is driven by something.  Oftentimes, we don't realize our drivers because "they're" constantly driving us!  Either driving us "crazy" (lol) or "driving us toward goal achievement" (oh yeah!).  In this section of the Purpose Driven Life book, Rick Warren shares five of the common life drivers as well as five of the common benefits to purpose-driven living.  See the below list:

5 Most Common Life Drivers:
1.  Guilt
2.  Resentment and anger
3.  Fear
4.  Materialism
5.  Need for Approval

5 Benefits of Purpose-Driven Life:
1.  Meaning
2.  Simplification
3.  Focus
4.  Motivation
5. Preparation for eternity

One key lesson:
The above common life drivers as well as many others  (not listed) lead to a dead end (unused potential, unnecessary stress, and unfulfilled life).  "We are products of our past, but we don't have to be prisoners of it.", p28  "Without a purpose, life is motion without meaning, activity without direction, and events without reason." p.30  Nothing matters more than knowing God's purpose for our lives.

Point to Ponder:  Living on Purpose is the path to peace.
Verse to Remember:  "You, Lord, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in you. " Issiah 26:3
Question to Consider:  What would my family and friends say is the driving force of my life?  What do I want  it to be?

Video Message: Day 3- What Drives You?

Physical Exercises:   Stretching- When doing the exercises, start slowly with small movements.  Take deep breaths in and blow out slowly.   Allow your body to stretch and lengthen as you do the movements.  Song used:  Let It Go by Idina Menzel (from the movie Frozen Soundtrack)

Exercises: Day 3 Stretching....Let It Go!

Friday, 13 March 2015

Faith & Fitness (Day 2: You Are Not An Accident)

Today's message is a reminder that we're NOT an accident. We were created by God for a reason and the Lord will fulfill his purpose for us (Psalm 138:8).  Let's stay grateful for all our blessings!  Let's let the love of God and our grateful hearts push us into renewed STRENGTH, ENERGY, and EXCITEMENT!  

Believe TODAY and EVERYDAY that YOU got what it takes to rise higher than your challenges!  YOU got what it takes to be your BEST and live a life of GREATNESS!  
You  Are  Not an Accident!  Rise UP!   Live it UP!

Day 2 Lesson:  You Are Not an Accident!

Point to Ponder:  I am not an accident.

Verse to Remember:  "I am your Creator.  You were in my care even before you were born." Issiah 44:2 (CEV-Contemporary English Translation)

Question to Consider:  I know that God uniquely created me.  What areas of my personality, background, and physical appearance am I struggling to accept.

Video Message: You Are Not an Accident

Exercises: Upper Body Strength Training

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Faith & Fitness (Day 1)....Purpose Driven Life

Connecting faith and fitness while pursuing a purpose driven life!

A very special person I know wants to improve her overall health.  I really wish I could be with her physically to pray and exercise, but its not possible at the moment.   When she first told me she wanted to do some exercises, I felt so compelled to help.  So, I volunteered to do some exercises online for her.  As I prepared to set up my "home" studio (lol), I thought we needed to go deeper than just physical exercises.  From my own wellness experience, I knew we needed to also tackle the spiritual aspect of wellness (the mind).  For we are transformed by the renewing of our mind (Romans 12:2).

So, I felt led to pull out a book I've had for years, Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren.  Over the next 40 days, we're aiming to improve our overall health and discover how to live a purpose driven life.  If you or anyone you know want to join us, feel free to follow this blog and share your insights.  Together we can rise higher than we ever could alone.  There is power in unity and support.
"Two are better than one, because they can work more effectively.  If one of them falls down, the other can help him up....Two people can resist an attack that would defeat one person alone. A rope of three cords is hard to break."  Ecclesiastes 4:9

Highlights from Book:

The big question?  What on earth am I here for?
Day 1:  It all Starts with God
Point to Ponder:  It's not about me.
Verse to Remember:  "Everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him." (Colossians 1:16)
Question to Consider:  In spite of all the advertising around me, how can I remind myself that life is really about living for God, not myself?

Here's a video message to my SPECIAL PERSON and anyone else who wants to join us!

Day 1 Exercise Video: Cardio Dance
This song is Say Yes by Michelle Williams (featuring Beyonce & Kelly Rowland). Choreography done by another Zumba instructor (Deontario James)....Check him out on Facebook or other social media. He has tons of good moves! Thanks for sharing this one DJ! 

Well, get moving!  Have fun and sing the song all day long! :-)  It can give so much inspiration!

Exercise Video: Cardio Dance (Say Yes)

Please subscribe to this blog and share with me your feedback!

Monday, 26 January 2015

Quick Total Body Toning. Diagonal Reach

Here is a quick total body toning routine.  You can do it in just one minute or longer (if time permits)!  Its a great way to work your entire body while helping you increase your strength and flexibility for daily tasks (functional fitness).  You can make this more challenging by adding heavier weights AND you can make it more cardio intense by increasing the pace.  You decide how you'd like to customize. Repeat this simple exercise at least 3 times a week and it can significantly enhance your fitness program.

Please share with me your feedback and subscribe to this blog for more updates!  Have a FitTastic Day!


Monday, 19 January 2015

Thursday, 1 January 2015


Happy New Year! Hope you had a FitTastic New Year's Eve celebration!   As we embark on this new year, defining our goals and aspirations, lets not forget to first LOVE OURSELVES!  You may not be all that you desire or you might be setting the same goal as previous years, but take a moment to celebrate YOU!

Love YOURSELF first then everything else shall follow.  Fix yourself up.  Wear something that makes you feel IMPORTANT, SEXY, ELEGANT, and all that good stuff!  :-)  Take time to moisture your body and think about how those body parts helped you to do ALL the things you've done.  Spray some good perfume to remind yourself that YOU ARE SO...SO...FRESH!:-)  Tell yourself, "I'm GREAT and I LOVE ME as I AM"!

Have a FitTastic New Year!

May God bless you abundantly!


I'm Still HERE! Dance Fitness!

This is such a great song!  If you ever feel like you been knocked to the ground, I hope you'll be encouraged by this song.  It's t...